About Us

What is Frameworks?

Frameworks Videography is a student-founded and student-run video production company based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We serve the Southeast Michigan area. Our 3 founders met in middle school and have been creating videos together for over 3 years. All 3 of our founders are currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Video Production.

Meet Our Founders


Alex Gutowski

Alex Gutowski is an incoming Sophomore at Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI) pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Digital Storytelling with a concentration in Multi-Cam Production. He has been creating videos since 2017. He is an Adobe Certified Professional in Video Design, and an All-MIPA scholarship recipient for the Broadcast catagory. He is currently the Tech Director for MSU Telecasters, an extracurricular club at Michigan State for students who want to create videos together. His role encompasses running all the tech and seting up shoots so they run smoothly. He also serves as a Camera Operator for the B1G Network Student U and Assistant Director for the Saline Live Video Crew.

Email: agutowski@frameworksvideography.com
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Luke Johnson

Luke Johnson has been creating media since 2021. He's pursuing an education in Television and Digital Media Production at Ithaca College (Ithaca, NY) and is set to graduate in 2027. At Saline High School, he earned multiple honorable mentions and a second-place prize at the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association. He also worked as a tech director and camera operator at Saline Video. He's also directed at the college level, taking classes in Video Production, Television Studio Production, Editing, and Screenwriting, and participating as a writer, camera operator, and Assistant Producer for ICTV shows.

Email: ljohnson@frameworksvideography.com
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Max Watkins

Email: mwatkins@frameworksvideography.com
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